So who is it. ive been reading alot of polotics in England of late. I like socialist partys such as british liberal part and the liberal democrats are good. The social union of the working class is soon to be Englands first communist party and im looking forward. Some people think that the BNP are good and I remember a woman saying that the BNP were nearing a socialist party, I think her thoughts are shit and false. People dislike labour party at the moment for there segregating way, things like the tax rise and stuff like that. But the BNP would be alot worst.
I think that the country should work as a community as one. One should only be as wealthy as the economy of the country they live in. We should get rid of this class system alltogethor, it does nothing but depart us from each other; sure the country needs a better imigration law but at the rate were going we'll end up as a racist, segregist, biggitist country and thats not what I want to live in.
If you can folks join the ycl if your under 18 and live in England.
Its me!
im a librel