View Profile sirtom93
Tom @sirtom93

Age 32, Male



Joined on 12/22/06

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im a librel


im.... a liberal?


thank you for showing me the light.

No problem.

Wait, was Jesus a communist?

No and Im although im an aethiest I agree that religion can bind people to maral acceptance in life, so in that degree I have nothing wrong with religion. The wars it causes is mainly why I disagree with it.

Even though i am not from england, i support communism in its pure, unsullied form. As adults and others try to beat my spirt out of me, i stand proud. As the "smart ones" ridicule me, i wave my flag of equality. All hail the magesty that is COMMUNISM!

I know, people try and get rid of such ideals from us at a young age for they fear change. The world is slowly failing and people are becoming more prejudice. With communism equality will bring light to this world.

What is politic ? :D

"polotic" is not a word in any format. "politics" is about the law, governmental standards and other such things.

I have always thought that communism would probably work if it was taken in the right direction, and not into the fascist direction that it has it has went in most if not all of the communist countries. Funny how the two opposites get mixed into each other eh?

Well yes when a dictator is in charge of a poor communist state hen it usualy makes a big loop into rightest totalirianism.

Am I part of this now???
On a more serious note. I really have to agree with HolyPeanuts. In most communist contries the people lost their rights and a dictator took over. I found it sad to learn about russia's steady fall into poverty and despair over the decades. Now that they have the "right" government are they much better off? Not really, but the dictators are gone, replaced by the "president". The reason communist countries fall is because they are mostly poor to begin with. If all recources are equally distributed(as they should be) then the millions of poor people get almost no richer while the few rich leaders who could provide some sense of direction are ruduced to poverty. In other words, it helps a great deal for a communist nation to have a strong, powerful economy to help itself from declining into chaos.

Communism hasnt been followed through correctly up to date but the results in my opinion have been greater than rightest fashist countrys. I believe that when more countrys become more economicaly developed then communism will be alot more active and work better.

Wait... there is a GOOD political party?!?!


im a librel

oh and are you a communist

im atheist too

Im a full communist, I believe in the system 100 percent.

I think you are confused. There is no class system in this country. There is no 'I am working class' and no 'I am middle-upper class'. You should know as much as I do that if it behaves like a duck, treats other people like a duck, and gets ASBOs like a duck then the chances are that, yes, you have a duck.

Replace duck with chav, and there you have it

Remember that whilst chavs are predominantly 'working class' by nature, that alot of wealthier families have also raised chavs.

Unfortunetly for you, that women was right - the BNP are good socialist candidates. I think you need to put that socialism thing into british context, and thats why it appears as unappealing as it does. Imagine if there was no TIMES NEWSPAPER, as a socialist political system would see it as elitist.

As an academic - I think that you seriously need to think about the consequences of your thoughts before you voice them. It is good that you are thinking with your political freedom - but choose carefully. Im sure I dont need to remind you of what Hitler stood for.

Yes Hitler stood for nationalism, the nazi party - the complete opposite of communism. Maybe you should find out a bit more and you would realize that there is a segregating class system in England.

BNP are no socialist, their nationalist, their scum / end.

Where did you get that shirt kid?

Not telling - ahehehhe.

Nah I got it of eBay.

Social classes occur naturally, consider wolves, they have an "alpha male" who sets the rules. Full out communism will never work in a large society that has an economy for one simple reason, people seek ways to rank each other, hence a leader will always arise. There is only one successful example of communism, the communes the Jews started up when they were immigrating to the middle east in the 1900's, and these only succeeded because they were isolated in a desert with no money and very small populations. Socialism can work in small doses when applied to specific areas like health care and such but again this will only work in small enough areas. Most of Canada applies socialist ideals very actively but we still make sure to not overdo it. Quebec on the other hand is VERY socialist and the poor condition of their buildings reflect it.

A socialist state of someone is only as great as the countrys economy, in the soviet states there were state jobs wich were the only seperation of class, but a simple tax system is put in place so it balances out. People have aspirations - but everyone is equal.

I am a liberal too!


Irrelevantly, your profile picture went to the same beat as the song I just listened to.

Good to know :)

Believing in communism is a wasteful effort. It can only work in very small villages- and even then, it's fragile. "Greed", a very common emotion, completely destroys communism.

It's like advocating houses being made of cardboard. Sure it's a lot easier to make, but it's pretty fucking useless.

Well no not really because the country operates aswell as what the people of the country put in. Greed should't be a common emotion either.

lol. yu should come to mexico some time. The council dudes fist fight every time there is a new campaign for anything

Haha, anarchy.

Holy Shit.... Better dead than red.

Fuck of.

Good Day comrade.

Spread the News, were not dead!

Good good.


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